This week we were asked… “My partner and I have been thinking about adopting a cat but I already have a hamster. Is this safe?” Here is our advice to you!
We would all love to adopt as many animals as possible but first it’s worth asking yourself if those pets will get along. This mostly depends on the individual pets and their personalities. As you already have a hamster, it may be the case that a new cat will see the home as the hamster’s territory before their own and have no problem by living in the same space. On the other hand make sure you never underestimate your cat no matter how friendly and approachable it may be to you!
Cats and hamsters can live in the same house without any problems. However we suggest taking the following precautions for the safety and comfort of your pet before welcoming another animal into your home.
Firstly, before you make the decision on adopting a cat ensure that if the two pets do not ge.. [More]